Chennai Super Kings on Tuesday became the 1st team to reach the finals of the TATA Indian Premier League 2023 season. This was the 10th time in 14 seasons that the 4 time champs will be playing the summit clash under the captaincy of MS Dhoni. Chennai beat defending champions Gujarat Titans in the 1st play off game at the Chepauk stadium to book a place for the big game on Sunday. Gujarat lost the first play game by 15 runs as they now will wait for the winner of the Mumbai vs Lucknow game for the 2nd eliminator.
MS Dhoni fails with the bat on his possible last time at Chepauk –
There was huge roar and anticipation as MS Dhoni walked out to bat. The former Indian captain fell to Mohit Sharma for 1 off 2 balls when he was caught by Hardik Pandya. The entire crowd sat in stunned silence as the Chennai captain made his way back to the hut for the last time potentially.
Mohit Sharma and family get abused on social media –
Once the game ended, the ugly side of few fans came into full view. Few so called fans took to Social media to have a go at Mohit Sharma as they used the choicest of words to abuse him and his family. The 34 year old had to face the abuse just because he had dismissed Dhoni for 1.
Mohit Sharma had just made a comeback to IPL this year after a difficult few years. The former Indian player had begun his IPL career at the same ground when he made his debut for Chennai Super Kings. Mohit was a net bowler for Gujarat last year before getting picked up in the auction late last year.
To all those abusing Mohit Sharma in the comments section of his Instagram, you don’t deserve to call yourself cricket fans. You are just a Troll.
— Abhishek Kumar (@abhishek_itmi) May 23, 2023
Shubman Gill and his sister face abuse –
Just 2 days ago on Sunday, Shubman Gill had scored an unbeaten 104 off 52 balls. This knock meant that Bangalore were knocked out and Mumbai made it to the play off stages. Once RCB were knocked out few fans of the franchise took to social media and shared the Instagram ID of Shubman Gill’s sister. The brother sister duo then had to face the most vile of abuse to sully what was a great day for the youngster.